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Life at Rundle Academy

Discovering True Potential & Confidence in Learning

Small Class Sizes | Dedicated Teachers | Character Development

Rundle Academy is an independent premier day school for students with diagnosed learning disabilities, with or without ADHD from grades 4 through 12. As a caring learning community, the Academy has become nationally recognized as a leader in education for neurodiverse learners. Rundle Academy is an engaging environment devoted to providing an enriched and personalized education to help your child build confidence in their abilities, self-esteem, motivation, and academic achievement.

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Small Class Sizes

Our strong focus on relationship building is fostered through our small class sizes where each student is connected with their teacher and their peers. We know neurodiverse learners are better able to realize their potential when they build meaningful relationships with supportive teachers.

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Excellence of Instruction

Rundle teachers and staff are held to the highest standard. Every teacher at Rundle Academy is dedicated and committed to making a difference in the lives of individual children. Our teachers are certified by Alberta education and receive professional development specifically designed to meet the needs of students with learning disabilities.

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Character, Leadership & Citizenship

While academic excellence is important, we strive to develop students who are ready to navigate life and their post-secondary journey with confidence and success. Our objective is for Academy graduates to be globally minded citizens who can make their mark on our ever changing world.

Real-Life Learning Experiences

Our goal is to help students become good citizens and noble human beings of fine character. We know that to achieve this goal that this takes a diverse set of tools — academics, sports, fine arts and volunteer programs. It’s so easy to start to view these tools as ends in themselves. However, we aim to see our programs as a means to develop positive aspects of character and help students see what reaching their full potential looks like.

Enriched Academics

best private learning disability school in Calgary | independent ADHD school Calgary | Academy student studying for an exam

Rundle Academy is one of the premier learning disability schools in Alberta, and provides exceptional educational opportunities for our students. Our individualized academic program encourages intellectual, social and personal growth of our students and is balanced by a variety of experiences in music, languages, technology and physical education. Our dedicated teachers utilize a variety of instructional approaches including assistive technology, differentiated instruction and assessment, and an intensive writing and reading program.

Leadership, Character Development & Citizenship

independent private school for learning disabilities Calgary | Independent LD private school Calgary | Group of Calgary academy students learning from their instructor

While academic performance is important, it is only one aspect in our goal of developing well-rounded students. To support this goal, character development and citizenship is integrated into our curriculum. We have designed our curriculum to allow students to learn and develop through active participation in organized service experiences that meet community needs. Through school-related outings, guest speakers and in daily life, we will foster and encourage compassion, integrity, perseverance, involvement, respect and responsibility.

Co-curriculars | Exploring Interests & Passions

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How people learn – not only during the school years but throughout their lifetimes – is rapidly changing. Because of Rundle’s continued excellence in education, we believe in expanding the current opportunities for student self-discovery and for being inquisitive. Early in their school lives students must feel empowered to take the lead, seek out answers and learn the core skills necessary to become lifetime learners. Rundle encourages students to take their learning to new levels and in new directions by offering extracurricular activities for all grades that extend beyond the conventional curriculum and beyond the regular school year.