A panorama of the Rundle College school building.

College – Grade 6 Greek Fest

Date: Thursday, May 16th

Time of Departure: 8:40 am

Time of Return: 2:30 pm

Location: Calgary Hellenic Banquet Hall

Transportation: City C-Train and walking

What to wear: Students are expected to bring indoor shoes (sandals if they have them) and a white bed sheet to be worn as a toga! Please ensure a pair of pants/shorts and a t-shirt are worn underneath. Below is a video tutorial on how to tie togas if you need it.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxfLaEBJ83Q

Lunch/ Snacks: OPA lunch will be provided. It is recommended that students bring a small snack that can be carried in their jacket pockets.

Other notes: Due to limited storage space at the hall, students should NOT bring a backpack. Students can carry their indoor shoes.

Rundle Calendar