A panorama of the Rundle College school building.

Solar Eclipse Precautions

April 8, 2024

The weather forecast for Monday is clear skies and sunny, and so there will be a higher temptation to try to look at the eclipse, therefore, all Rundle schools will be keeping students in Kindergarten to Grade 9 indoors between 11:48 AM and 1:38 PM and staying away from windows looking outside. 

For parents of students in Grades 10-12, we urge you to talk about the eclipse with your child. Ideally, senior high students will also choose to stay indoors during the eclipse. If they instead choose to leave the school, discuss the importance of not looking at the sun. 

Looking at the sun during a solar eclipse can lead to serious vision problems such as partial or complete loss of eyesight. Safe viewing of the eclipse requires wearing specialized glasses or watching through a telescope or solar binoculars that have specialized lenses and should only be performed under the direction of a professional. You can find more detailed safety information from the Canadi​an Association of Optometrists.  

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