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Academy Student Services

Supporting Our Students

Personalized Support | Learning Strategies | Career Counselling

Within the student services departments at Rundle there is a team of qualified, knowledgeable and skilled counsellors, learning strategists, a registered nurse, and student support personnel who share some roles and have specialties within their school department. 

Counsellors provide social and emotional counselling, academic support, and career and post-secondary support. They also provide short-term counselling support for students in several different areas, including but not limited to, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, transitions, and work relationship concerns. They consult with external resources to provide students with aligned support while at school. Counsellors work closely with the administration on school-related matters, such as tracking student progress, monitoring academic and personal development, and crisis intervention.

At the Academy, students and parents have several ways to access the school nurse and counsellors. Students can drop in, email, phone, or book a time through their teacher. Parents can reach our nurse or counsellor by phone or email.

Academic Support

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Rundle Academy learning strategists support students who require additional support with remediation, strategy development, or explicit accommodation training. Requests for this support are initiated by the teacher and the student services team determines the length of support and availability based on the student’s need. Requests for this support are initiated by the teacher and the student services team determines the length of support and availability based on the student’s need. 

Health and Wellness Support

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Our school health nurse provides individual health support and school-wide health promotion. The nurse works with students, their families, and community healthcare providers on comprehensive nursing health assessments pertaining to concerns about physical, emotional or social well-being. Our nurse actively participates in school safety plans, school health policy, and assessing the school environment to prevent injury and promote student well-being. 

The school nurse uses a comprehensive school approach to facilitate health promotion activities throughout the school community. In the case of a communicable disease outbreak, our nurse works alongside Alberta Health Services Public Health to help monitor, report, and respond to the situation.

Student-Led Leadership

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Student leadership opportunities through Student Services include the following: Peer Support, PASS (People About Standing Up for Social Change, and the HEART Committee.

Counsellors are actively involved in supporting student leadership groups within the school whereby students take on initiatives in the areas of wellness, diversity and inclusion, bullying prevention, and academic support.

The school nurse facilitates a health-related student leadership club called, HEART Committee, at the Academy and College senior high. This club is ideal for students looking to pursue a career in health care or public health. The students can work through the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation stages of meaningful community health promotion initiatives.  

Post-Secondary and Career Planning Support

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In addition, the department provides comprehensive career and post-secondary support for students from junior high through high school.

Below is the comprehensive path each Rundle student is supported through to help guide them to post-secondary success.