Board of Directors
Supporters | Strategists | Volunteers | Champions
The Rundle College Society Board of Directors is led by a group of elected, benevolent volunteers composed of parents of current students and “independent” members who do not have children currently enroled.
Who They Are
- They are supporters of Rundle’s mission, unique priorities and educational philosophy. They focus on and support character development at Rundle.
- They are strategists as they establish the overall direction for Rundle College Society.
- They are volunteers who carry out many of the projects and tasks as part of the Board.
- Finally, they are champions because they attend and often participate in school functions for the purpose of encouraging, recognizing and celebrating with students and other members of the Rundle community.
What They Do
Board members represent and support the interests of all programs and campuses. They work closely with the superintendent, the head of school, and the heads of academics, business, and operations and obtain advice from internal and external subject matter experts as necessary. They do not deal with, nor involve themselves with, day-to-day “in-school” matters.
How They Stay in Touch
The Board communicates with Rundle Society members through the annual general meeting, special purpose meetings and special announcements.
If you wish to contact the board, please email contactus@rundle.ab.ca.
We thank our current Board of Directors for their dedication and commitment to Rundle.
Scott Burrows Member Since 2018 VICE-CHAIR |
Chris Chan Member Since 2021 DIRECTOR |
Carrie Ferguson Member Since 2013 PAST CHAIR/DIRECTOR |
Dennis Locking Member Since 2008 DIRECTOR |
Iain McCorkindale Member Since 2017 DIRECTOR |
Jon McKenzie Member Since 2018 DIRECTOR |
Mehri Salimova Member Since 2017 TREASURER |
Eric Toews Member Since 2016 CHAIR |
Shana Wolch Member Since 2022 SECRETARY |
Libby Keyser Member Since 2024 DIRECTOR |
Mike Esfarjani Member Since 2024 DIRECTOR |