Why We Give — Giving at Rundle
Published on December 14, 2021
As with most Canadian Independent Schools, Rundle’s tuition fees only cover our schools’ annual operating costs, which means we need to secure additional sources of funding through government grants and private donations to support our programs each year.
Annually, we appeal to our community to support our students and programs in a way that is meaningful to them through our Vision & Values fundraising campaign. Although the need for support may not always be apparent, Rundle relies on the generosity of our donors to fund most of our programming enhancements, facility improvements as well as our bursary program.
Giving is not always easy but even the smallest monthly gifts made in support of our schools can have a huge impact on the student experience. As we continue to build awareness for our giving program and nourish our culture of gratitude at Rundle, we encourage those families whose children have benefited from their Rundle experience to support our mission.
Did you know?
- Rundle’s impressive campuses, facilities, equipment and resources are funded, in part, by our generous donors.
- Last year we saw the highest demand yet for students requiring bursaries to continue their Rundle education.
- Rundle College Society is a CRA registered charity and you will receive a tax credit for any donation of $25 or greater.
- Your donation can be directed towards the program or campus of your choice, even if it is not part of our annual campaign.
- Every donation, no matter the amount, makes an impact.
Your support has an immense impact on our programs and students. Your gift allows Rundle to continue to provide an exceptional, safe and caring learning environment.
Rundle is a special place to learn. Help make it even better!
Please visit Giving at Rundle for more information and make your donation today.